Acknowledging mannkendall (R)

  1. Only use lower case letters when mentioning mannkendall (R). Always include the language and version number. Ideally, you should also include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) associated to the specific release you have been using:

    mannkendall (R) github DOI

  2. If mannkendall (R) was useful for your research, please cite the dedicated article:

    Collaud Coen et al., 2020

  3. mannkendall (R) relies on external R libraries that require & deserve to be acknowledged in their own right. The following LaTeX blurb is one way to do so:

    This research has made use of \textit{mannkendall v1.0.0} \citep[DOI:10.5194/amt-13-6945-2020][]{CollaudCoen2020}
    R code. \textit{mannkendall} relies on the following R packages: \textit{signal}, \textit{magrittr}