
Welcome to the documentation of the mannkendall code. The code was initially written in Matlab, and subsequently ported to R and Python. All three versions have dedicated documentation pages describing their respective installation and use. For a high level, language-agnostic, description of the code, look at the Spirit of mannkendall.

All three implementations of the code were first released in late 2020, alongside their dedicated scientific article (Collaud Coen et al., 2020). At the time, all three implementations were designed to be perfectly consistent with one another in their functionalities.


Maintaining consistency between the different implementations will happen on a best-effort basis, and cannot be guaranteed in the long term. However, any deviation from one of the implementations with respect to the others will be clearly documented.

Current compatibility status: full


This code was written specifically to implement the prescriptions of Collaud Coen et al. (2020). But there are other public codes implementing Mann-Kendall functionalities out there, including: